
Sunday, February 13, 2022

31 characters

I came across a blog that mentioned a “31 characters in 31 days” challenge. I thought it would be interesting to do, so I’m going to try it. However, I don’t really like “challenges,” so I’m just going to go at my own pace. I’m going to start with a character I created for a Black Hack 2nd Edition, play-by-post, hex crawl on Discord I’m part of.


Falyn, 30, halfling thief

Falyn is a thief in the land of Osterra, a land where Darkness had taken over. Somehow the city of Ridgeholme maintained its light and sanity and as the Darkness slowly faded, heroes and brigands are steadily retaking back the land.*

For as far as Falyn could remember, he’s been an orphan, having to find family and comradery wherever and whenever he could. Living was hard and so he become harder. This eventually led him to join one of the street gangs of Ridgeholme–although “gang” is probably too strong a word. They were just a bunch of ruffians and rejects searching for the next piece of coin so that they could eat, shit, and sleep in peace. Eventually, someone, maybe Falyn himself, had the foolish idea to take their little band up north. They had heard that Rivik, the crime lord holding it down in the north had been run off, maybe even killed, by some big shot Duke.

The idea was to do some highway robbery, maybe even take some territory. But other gangs–real gangs–had the same idea. One by one, Falyn’s friends either got killed, joined up with a gang, or just slipped away back to Ridgeholme. Falyn tried to join up with one of the gangs but no one would take him–too short, too scrawny, they’d say and laugh. Eventually, he headed back to Ridgeholme, defeated.

On the way back, he ran into a strange little kobold.** The kobold smelled of death and had a pack of beetles always following him. But Falyn was lonely and he was looking for a new gang. Why not start one with a possibly undead kobold? Somehow, he figured out that the little kobold called himself “Lucky.” (Or maybe Falyn named him that?) And somehow, they found themselves back at Ridgeholme, Falyn unsure of who was following whom.

Falyn went back to his stealing and conning, doing the legitimate odd job or two when a business or merchant would have him, and sometimes convincing Lucky and his beetles to do some street performing for a few coins. But all along he kept his eyes and ears open for a new opportunity, some plan less half-baked with people with more promise and respectability. Then one day–thank Ondra***–as Lucky and him were slumming it at their favorite tavern, two oafs–a Lorne and Carnran****–struck a conversation about searching for some adventure and treasure.

Using his natural charisma, Falyn convinced them to let Lucky and him joint their little venture. Now he hopes that this expedition is more fruitful than the last and that he can finally get some real coin so that he could eat, shit, and sleep in peace.

*This is part of the setting lore for the Discord server
**Lucky the NOT-a-necromancer Kobold is one of the PCs
***Again, a piece of lore from the Discord server. She's one of the gods: Ondra, the goddess of Mercy, Healing, and Nature.
****Another set of PCs, a human fighter and a half-dwarf fighter


[Halfling] [Thief] 
HP 3/3 || HD 1d6 [
Black Leather hood and vest] || AV: 2/2 
Experience: 0 || Coin: 0 
Background: [May or may not be a former follower of the Brigand Rivik. A fickle adherent of the goddess Ondra (just the mercy bit). Always chewing on darkgrass, and as a result, spits a lot.] 


STR: 9 
DEX: 14 
CON: 7 
WIS: 5 
INT: 6 
CHA: 12 

Bag of knuckle bones 
Stolen heart - still beating 
Two short swords 
Throwing knife (unlimited)

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