Roll for stress for going to unexplored hexes
Old Bear, D8, result=5, fail, 1 stress
Crow, D8, result=6, success
Clove, D8, result=2, fail, 1 stress
For a quick moment, Old Bear feels the weight of "command," a burden he takes on because of a sense of duty to his community
Even though Clove volunteered, being so far from The Uni is making her nervous.
Roll for random encounter, D100, result=96, mailcarrier
Roll for distance, D8, result=6, long range
Roll for recon, Clove, D8, result=6, success
Roll for reaction, D10, result=4, wary
Roll on Mythic, is this person armed? Very likely, result=90, yes; rilfe with scope
They look a little lost, disheveled, and for a supposed postal carrier, carrying very little. But they are armed with a scoped rifle. Judging by their state, Old Bear decides to be extra cautious. He instructs Clove and Crow to find cover. Then he calls out.
"Hey, everything okay?"
The postal carrier immediately snaps up his weapon, pointing it at the general direction of the group...
Roll on Mythic, do they shoot? 50/50, result=2, exceptional yes
...and fires a few shots. They are off the mark but it's enough to get Old Bear to go immediately prone. Crow and Clove are a bit too slow for him so he instructs them to get down.
Old Bear curses and decides to engage. He's hoping he can neutralize the target quickly.
Round 1
Old Bear:
- Aim
- Fire
Roll for ranged, long range modifier, -2, D6, D10, 2 ammo dice, result=6, 8, 2 successes -- critical hit; ammo=4, 2
Old Bear fires a burst (6 shots) from his M4 and connects--the result of army training and luck. The postal carrier goes down hard.
"Did you hit him?" Crow asks. Old Bear says nothing, figuring Crow would figure it out for himself.
Old Bear waits a few beats before deciding what to do. He's worried that the shooting will attract more attention. His instincts tell him to start moving but he wants to check the postal carrier, maybe grab the rifle while he's at it.
Finally, he makes a decision. He tells them to stay while he checks it out, using a row of trees for cover.
Roll on Mythic, Does the shooting attract anyone? I have no idea, but from the narrative prompts, the postal carrier may have been on the run from marauders of some sort, but I choose 50/50 anyway, result=19, yes
Is it anyone connected to the postal carrier? again, 50/50, result=yes
I roll on the Faction table from T2K4, D100, result=6, Civilian (locals)
I do another roll to see if Clove, the one with highest Recon score sees them before they see our group, D8, D10, result=2, 7, one success
Clove notices another person further back and calls out to Old Bear to warn him.
Here I pause and think about what this new individual will do in the context of my prompts and the situation. I'm going to back track a little...From the narrative prompts for the postal carrier, I got: "cultured villager," "lack of resources," "coup," "factions: criminals and marauder thugs."
My imagination interprets the situation of the postal carrier: The postal carrier was part of another settlement and may have been actually carrying out a postal service for their community (which from the prompts indicated that the faction they belong to were "criminals" which I then interpreted as maybe a "harder" "more brutal" community than The Uni.) But then a "coup" happened, and their settlement was attacked by an even more brutal faction of marauder thugs.
I was hoping Old Bear could talk to the postal carrier, find out what was going on, but since they had a tag of "wary" and they were maybe on the run from marauders, I asked mythic whether they would shoot immediately and got an "exceptional yes"--they are spooked and shoot a few rounds. Old Bear reacts of course (I randomly generated Initiative and Old Bear happened to take the first spot.)
I read that combat in T2K4 is brutal, but was still surprised by the outcome. The burst from his M4 combined with his skill as rifleman and luck of the roll just annihilated the NPC.
Back to the new individual. Since Mythic says that they are connected to the postal carrier, I expected the marauders, but instead I got "Civilian (local)." So, I interpret some more and I figure this is someone connected to the postal carrier and they had escaped the same attack as the postal carrier. Here I decide, seeing their friend shot or at least seeing them on the ground, not moving, and having heard shots, they decide to leave and save themselves.
Old Bear goes prone and scans. He sees another person but only for a brief moment. This new person leaves immediately. Old Bear takes a risk and rushes to the postal carrier's body. He searches the body and finds three magazines for the rifle and an unopened letter. He grabs the rifle and goes back to Crow and Clove. He hands the rifle to Crow.
"Let's get out of here before anyone else shows up," Old Bear says.
NPCs: 3;
- 1 decently armed guard; no further information, except likelihood that this person is connected to leaflet
- 1 person or group who created pamphlet
- 1 person connected to postal carrier who Old Bear shot in Episode 4
- Clove: 1
- Crow: 1
- Old Bear: 0
New threads:
- Baby left at settlement. Who are the parents?
- Baby needs formula
- Recruited two teenagers, a boy and a girl. Found them drinking and smoking.
- Came across a dangerous postal carrier who Old Bear shot and killed. Someone was nearby and may have witnessed the shooting.
Chaos factor: 6+1=7
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